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“Fragmented” is a photography series by Claudia Starkey that was created using an intricate computer algorithm. It is a surrealist exploration of how the brain processes memories intentionally replicated using current technology. The innovative method of composing photos uses personal photos that the artist has taken mixed in with others inherited as family heirlooms. It blends in images of her ancestors and childhood, along with more contemporary scenes of people, places, and objects. The photos range anywhere from the early 70s to the current times, but a few go all the way back to the 1920s. Each photograph is a journey into a surrealist realm. A little bit familiar, the viewer’s brain is thrust into natural pattern recognition, but is also met with a puzzle that keeps assembling and re-assembling to create different unexpected views of a dreamlike world. The original images are sometimes low in megapixels hence their smaller print size. The results of the photographic medium used at the time were not intended for public view. Despite that, after decades of persistent photo taking, the “Fragmented” series took a life of its own. First, it was a cathartic process to assemble the work from the artist’s perspective, but it ended up touching on subjects of broader interest like the environment, nature, love, life, and death. The complex layered images force the viewer into a microscopic incursion, but on close introspection, small but meaningful worlds of abstraction are revealed. Among the distinctive characteristics found in numerous photographs within this series, a standout feature lies in the innovative approach applied to both the creation and in-house printing processes. This unique technique renders the prints RGB light-responsive, introducing an entirely novel facet not previously explored by other photography artists. This groundbreaking method not only reflects the artist's ingenuity but also contributes to the evolution of visual storytelling. The marriage of cutting-edge technology and in-depth artistic craftsmanship results in prints that transcend the conventional, inviting viewers into an immersive experience where the interplay of light and color adds an extra layer of dynamism to each image. This avant-garde feature sets these prints apart, marking a significant milestone in the realm of photographic artistry.

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